Servants at Work

SAWs© is a faith-based nonprofit organization dedicated to providing freedom to low-income, permanently disabled individuals through the construction of wheelchair ramps to the exterior of the homes.

Our ramps serve as their gateways to the world,
re-opening the possibilities of connecting with neighbors and their larger community. Ramps provide independence and dignity.

Learn About SAWs

Meet Our Team

The people behind SAWs are dedicated to ensuring access to everyone! SAWs is staffed by dedicated professionals who are passionate about helping others and making a difference in our community.

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Board Members


Meet Our Recipients

We truly change lives. The work we do at SAWs gives freedom to individuals who are confined to their homes.

“It’s hard to describe the feeling you get when you see the tears of joy in the eyes of the client and the caregiver.” …Bob S., Volunteer

We invite you to meet a few of the individuals who have received our ramps.

Read Stories

SAWs in Action

Our staff and volunteers work tirelessly and joyfully to make a difference. Throughout the build process, we love to capture the hard work, passion and joy that comes with each build and event. We are so blessed to give back.

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