Healthy Workplace Protocol
The following operating policy is effective immediately and will remain in effect until further notice.
If you are sick, please stay home.
- If you are signed up to help, un-register yourself in VolunteerHub so someone else may sign up. There will be limited slots available.
A face mask is not required but is recommended for those who feel unsure.
- Due to the “open space” nature of ramp building, aerosol spread is minimal.
- Volunteers do occasionally come into close proximity to one another.
Practice sensible “social distancing” to avoid transmission of any kind of virus or germ.
Hand sanitizer and alcohol wipes will be provided at each project site.
We prefer that NO ONE other than the Project Manager or Crew Leader have close contact with the clients since they can be immune compromised.
All volunteers must sign a COVID release waiver each time they volunteer. The waiver is included on the volunteer waiver on VolunteerHub.
We request that you DO NOT attend in-person volunteer opportunities if you have experienced any of the following:
- have tested positive for COVID-19
- are experiencing symptoms such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, or
- have been directly exposed to someone officially diagnosed with COVID-19, flu, or similar communicable disease within the past 14 days.