The Hilldrup Move-Up Fund Supports SAWs to Bring Mobility Ramps to Community

Hilldrup is thrilled to announce that our company’s foundation, the Hilldrup Move-Up Fund, will be assisting Servants At Work (SAWs), a non-profit organization dedicated to providing wheelchair ramps to low-income, permanently disabled individuals. SAWs’ ADA-compliant wheelchair ramps, which are constructed and installed outside of the individual’s home, offer a true sense of independence and dignity to those they serve.

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News from our VA Affiliate

Servants At Work ( SAWs Virginia) has been added to the Marine Corps Base Quantico Volunteer Program’s list of service opportunities. The program provides volunteer opportunities to active duty personnel, their family members, retirees, veterans and civilians to connect the installation and community volunteer resources. SAWs Virginia constructs wheelchair ramps for low-income, ambulatory disabled residents to allow them to age-in-place. “It definitely was a lot of fun and rewarding knowing we were able to make a difference for someone in need,” said Christine Ramirez, the Administrative Specialist for the program. Volunteer opportunities with SAWs Virginia will continue through the fall and winter.

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